Awesome to work in CLI [Not for Masters but for Beginners] – PartII

Hope you enjoyed my last CLI post. I told you its Cool! Today you will able to mount your devices/file systems using the CLI . Yes there are lot of things to learn before this, but I think this will be more helpful for you’r day to day work. Sometimes devises/file systems will not be mounted automatically (most of the time it happens on newly attached hard drives in NTFS or FAT32 format and when the partition table entries are not in disk order. But there can be more other reasons for this). You may have experienced this already. So in this case  you need the command line to mount them manually.

            Before mounting you should identify the partitions correctly. So fire up your terminal/konsole (I use Yakuake) give this command,

fdisk –l           

            When using this command, You should first have to be ‘root’ to get information about the internal hard drivers(internal file systems). If not you can only get info about external media/USB devices, if you have plugged any. So type,

su or sudo su and press enter. then give the root password to get root privileges. then give fdisk -l. Now you l get what you want.

This is a part of my result (which gives me troubles),

fdisk -l

fdisk -l

 I want to mount ‘hdd5’. I give this commands to do this,

mkdir /mnt/hdd5        

mount -t ntfs /dev/hdd5 /mnt/hdd5    

            Great! Now I have mount the partition I wanted. ‘mkdir‘ is to make a directory. Here I made a directory named ‘hdd5’, inside the ‘mnt’ directory. ‘mnt’ directory works as a mount point for a temporarily mounted file system. The 2nd command describes the following things,

mount -t ntfs /dev/hdd5 /mnt/hdd5

mount -t ntfs /dev/hdd5 /mnt/hdd5

User can remount his/her partitions with assigning permission types. I m going to remount my ‘hdd5’ with ‘read only’ permission.

Remount with Read only

Remount with Read only


I cant stop  only reading it, I want to write on it!




Mount with Read Write

Mount with Read Write


 This is all to teach about Mounting! No big deal huh? Keep learning Linux/CLI with Dushi.








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